We Carry

High-Efficiency Comfort Systems

Save with Higher Efficiencies

AUD1 Silver SI+ 80% Gas Furnace

Winter after winter, our single-stage Silver SI+ high-efficiency gas furnaces will keep your home warm with a blower motor designed for consistent airflow and high efficiency, and that means consistent comfort for your family.

  • High-efficiency blower motor
  • Self-diagnostic microelectronic controller
  • Durable silicon nitride hot surface igniter
  • Multi-port, in-shot burners
  • One-piece heat exchanger with no welds
  • Pre-painted galvanized steel cabinet
  • Upflow models have hinged blower doors, easy-open door latches
  • Insulated heavy steel cabinet for quiet operation
  • Upflow/horizontal left furnace models
MODELConfigurationInput MBtuHOutput MBtuHAFUECFMDimensions
AUD1A040A9241A 40.0 32.0 80.0 507 40x14.5x28 119
AUD1A040A9301A 40.0 32.0 80.0 789 40x14.5x28 122
AUD1A060A9241A 60.0 47.0 80.0 505 40x14.5x28 124
AUD1A060A9361A 60.0 47.0 80.0 848 40x14.5x28 127
AUD1B060A936 60.0 47.0 80.0 881 40x17.5x28 132
AUD1B080A924 80.0 64.0 80.0 577 40x17.5x28 139
AUD1B080A936 80.0 63.0 80.0 869 40x17.5x28 142
AUD1B080A948 80.0 64.0 80.0 758 40x17.5x28 142
AUD1C080A9601A 80.0 64.0 80.0 1431 40x21x28 154
AUD1B100A936 100.0 79.0 80.0 864 40x17.5x28 154
AUD1B100A945 100.0 80.0 80.0 796 40x17.5x28 153
AUD1C100A9481A 100.0 79.0 80.0 1164 40x21x28 162
AUD1D100A9721A 100.0 80.0 80.0 2484 40x24.5x28 175
AUD1C120A9541A 120.0 96.0 80.0 1386 40x21x28 176
AUD1D120A9601A 120.0 96.0 80.0 1375 40x24.5x28 186
AUD1D140A9601A 140.0 111.0 80.0 1411 40x24.5x28 193
AUD1C100A9601A 100.0 79.0 80.0 1367 40x21x28 162

Warranty Information

  • All Parts for 120 months -
  • Heat Exchanger for 240 months -

Available Documents

©Red Barn Media Group 2025